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  • Reduced process downtime
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved tool life
  • User-friendly operator panel
  • Solid, ergonomic construction
  • Simple and easy electrode height adjustment
  • Quick return on investment


  • Strip end welding machines join the lead end of the next coil to the tail of the preceding one




Skew Controller

The Skew Controller is used for stacked, interlock and skew lamination.


  • Reliable and accurate
  • The touch screen interfaces
  • Controls stack height and helps in creating counter bores by controlling multiple punch slides
  • Control a double row tool with effective ease
  • Easy programming
  • Easy to Install and operate


Magnetic Scrap Conveyor


  • Magnetized belt enables small particulars to be picked up and sent to collection bin
  • Rigid construction
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to maintain

Superthin Conveyor (16mm)

  • Superthin belt enables smaller openings in the die bolster
  • Easy to handle and install
  • Safety mechanism are connected to the press. In the event of stack not being discharged properly, signal from the conveyor stop the machine
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